Posts made in February 2020

What You May Not Know About Commercial Asphalt Paving

As soon as they walk into your premises, clients can quickly develop conclusions based on the first impressions of the building. The driveways, pathways, and walkways are just as important as other aesthetic elements around them.

Finding the right commercial paving solution for your business can be taxing. Rebuilding your driveway or walkway is an important investment that you ought to consider carefully. One of the options you may choose is asphalt paving. It is durable, affordable, robust, and suitable for areas with a lot of traffic, such as retail establishments. Here are a few facts that you may not know about asphalt.

Asphalt has been around for years

One misconception many people have of asphalt paving is that it is a modern phenomenon. But this material has been in application for road construction for several centuries. The Romans and Babylonians were the first to build their roadways with the material more than a millennia ago.

The first roads to be built in modern times were by an Englishman, John Metcalf, in 1700. In America, asphalt would be used in road construction from around the 1870s. Most of the materials before the 20th century were from naturally occurring asphalt.

In the first decade of the 20th century, cars became more commonplace. There was a demand for better roads that could handle the high speeds of automobiles. Asphalt was later mixed with aggregate materials to enhance its performance. Better laying techniques and efficient equipment boosted its viability for large-scale commercial use.

Paving involves a lot of recycled materials

Due to the rising awareness of environmental issues, consumers are demanding businesses to adopt more sustainable practices. Recycling can not only reduce pollution but has been shown to create more jobs than sending waste to landfills. Asphalt paving is an eco-friendly solution, thanks to its ability to undergo reprocessing without losing its value.

Approximately 99% of asphalt in the United States is taken back for recycling. About 400 million metric tons of asphalt are recycled every year in more than 4000 sites across the country. It can be mixed with other materials to improve its mechanical properties, before reusing it for road construction.

It’s popular in commercial applications

Nine out of 10 parking areas in America have asphalt paving, making it the top choice for most development owners. Additionally, approximately 85% of roadways are paved with asphalt in the United States. It has been effective for the construction of cycleways, footways, and even residential paving for sports areas.

All around the world, asphalt has proven to be reliable for paving highways, runways, and commercial enterprises. It produces less noise when you compare it with alternative materials, such as concrete. Asphalt paving has been accepted by major commercial enterprises, government agencies, and residential consumers.

It’s both durable and cost-effective

Business premises need a driveway surfacing option that can withstand wear and tear from the effects of the weather, automobiles, and foot traffic. The commercial paving solution you choose should ideally be durable and easy to maintain. Asphalt is long-lasting, yet is more cost-effective than other materials such as cobblestone, bricks, and concrete.

Sealing is one of the additional processes that can minimize the effect of the weather on the driveway or walkway. It is possible for contractors who specialize in commercial paving services to add multiple layers of the material. The process is sometimes referred to as sub-base.

The purpose of the sub-base is to ensure that the construction requires only minimal maintenance work to keep the pavement in perfect shape. Asphalt is not only affordable to install, but also saves on resources in terms of long-term maintenance work.

In Conclusion

Asphalt paving is one of the best choices for commercial premises. Before you use it for driveway resurfacing, you ought to familiarize yourself with the local zoning laws. The durability of the material will also depend on the quality of the installation. Poorly laid pavements can deteriorate quickly and cause fall and slip hazards. As a result, you should seek out a professional, conversant with commercial and residential paving installations.

Residential Paving Service

The Top Benefits of Having an Asphalt Driveway

The U.S is a country with approximately 2.2 million miles of paved roads. A whopping 94% of them are surfaced with asphalt. This building material is also an astounding substance for residential driveways. To learn more about how great asphalt is for the front of your home, continue reading, These are the top benefits of having a driveway paved with America’s pavement of choice: asphalt.


1. Asphalt is Nearly Weather Resistant


Though it’s not completely impervious to rough weather conditions, it’s still quite durable — especially when compared to concrete. Concrete can crack and look worn down after some time. It can even split if it’s not laid down correctly, which can give your front yard a less-than-lovely appearance. However, asphalt retains its shape due to its flexibility. You won’t have to worry about filling in any unsightly cracks too often with an asphalt driveway, which provides both peace of mind and cost savings.

2. There’s No Waiting Period After Installation


You have to wait around a week for concrete to set, which means you can’t park your vehicles on your newly paved driveway immediately after installation. While this is a small convenience, asphalt throws this problem completely out the window. You can stand, walk, and drive onto it right after it’s been set. No muss, no fuss.


3. Cracks in Asphalt Paving are Easier to Fill


Asphalt is not impervious to cracks. But when they do happen, they are easier to fill! In fact, it’s a project you can do yourself over a weekend. For example, all you need is a caulking gun, a rubberized asphalt-emulsion crack filler, and a trowel to smooth your work down. Insert your emulsifier into the crack, smooth it down, and let it dry. As you can see, it’s a low-maintenance project that nearly anyone can do.


4. You’ll Need Next-to-No Driveway Resurfacing


If you’ve moved into a new home, and plan on repaving the driveway, select asphalt for its longevity. You won’t have to worry about repaving it for another 20 years, which should be a plus for any new homeowner. With so much going on in your life as is, you want to invest in worthwhile services good around your home — and asphalt paving is definitely one of them.


5. You Can Hire a Residential Paving Service to Start and Finish the Job


Not an expert in paving an asphalt driveway? That’s fine! Since it’s such a popular material in construction and home improvement, you can easily find an expert well-versed in driveway installation. Forgoing the DIY method in favor of professional assistance is really one of the best investments you can make in your property.


Finding the Best Residential Paving Service For You


Of course, to create the perfect driveway, you’ll need to get in touch with a residential paving service that knows how to customize and create the perfect driveway to complement your home. If any of these benefits drew your attention, then contact us today for both residential and commercial paving services.